Getting into Travel Mode
/After sleeping in (due to jet lag and Mom's cold), we spent the afternoon walking around a medieval garden, the huge public garden Jardin du Luxembourg, and a swanky department store. Six miles of walking: tomorrow we must find a tabbaconist where we can buy tickets for the Metro! (Our US credit cards don't work in the ticket machines.)
Walking has its merits, though. We passed at least five upscale chocolatiers. The photo is one that was open—and packed—at 10pm! The shoe is made of chocolate and filled with macarons (a type of cookie).
Many people on the street, in restaurants, and in sidewalk cafés in this area. Who are all these Parisians that can be out on a Wednesday night? Perhaps they don't have to be at work tomorrow because of the holiday (Feast of the Assumption). Or maybe I'm just used to the non-urban, Midwest life. (To be fair, there were some tourists in the bunch.)
Bad news: the Picasso museum is closed. I seem destined to never see it.
Great news: my bag arrived overnight. Good thing, as Paris is largely un-air conditioned. Mom and I left a museum today because it was too hot. They were running dehumidifiers throughout; it must have been at least 80 degrees inside.